Which Hosting Service To Pick For Your Business: VPS Or Dedicated?

Businesses should have fast and responsive websites nowadays. To have such a site, you would want the right web hosting service. A business website that has grown beyond what a shared web hosting plan could offer would need to pick another option. In this case, dedicated server and virtual private server hosting are the two options that business owners have. You must know how these two forms of web hosting services differ, to pick the best service for your business. After deciding thre service, you can consider choosing it from the web host Hostsailor as well.

VPS Web Hosting

In this form of web hosting, a server is split into multiple virtual servers with a particular virtualization technology. Each virtual server works independently of others with a set bevy of resources. So, a virtual private server offers similar hosting capability to a dedicated web server at the affordable price scale of a shared hosting plan.

Here are other advantages of VPS that might prompt you to think about picking it from a hosting provider like HostSailor.


Numerous server resources are at the disposal of each VPS user, so it provides better performance than a shared hosting service.


You will receive root-level access to this form of server. So, you will get control over its OS and every program in it. Still, certain restrictions can exist regarding customization.


A virtual private server is less secure than the dedicated one, but it provides more security compared to a shared web server. A hardware virtualization technology isolates your website from another, so jeopardizing your security would be tough for neighboring sites. The hypervisor keeps malicious programs from transmitting to other servers, depending on the form of malware. When it is too sophisticated, the malicious program might just spread by bypassing the virtualization software.


It is more affordable than a dedicated web server. However, do not consider this your deciding factor. Remember, the more you pay for anything, the better it will be.

Dedicated Server Web Hosting

As the name implies, every resource of this server is available for one website owner. They have access to every server resource, plus it offers root-level access too.

Advantages Of Dedicated Hosting


It offers the best performance out of all web hosting services out there. It is perfect for a complex website that needs great performance, customized functionalities, and control.


A dedicated web server hosts one client, so it is intrinsically secure. It enables the user to handle software upgrades and installations more efficiently, and thus, reduces malware occurrences.


The server is designed for one client’s use, so they can do anything they have to, for the configuration that fits their site. It is the best option for one who requires a very specific configuration for a specialized program.

Final Thoughts

When choosing between both forms of hosting service, you have to see how suitable each one is for your requirements. Know that a dedicated hosting service is best for websites having more traffic. It is priced at premium charges, so know whether your budget permits buying it over a VPS service.

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